☼ Top 10 ways to save water in and around your home.
Conserve water & Energy while Saving Money!
1.) Don’t Flush Trash down the toilet! People tend to use the toilet as a bin for tissues, bugs, ashtray and more items, this is a big water waster and costs money every time you flush. Add a Toilet displacement bag to your toilet to save with every flush.
FlushLess toilet water saver.
2.) Mow your lawn early in the morning! This will increase water penetration and keep water from evaporating. Be sure your blades are at a proper height do not cut your lawn too short it will require more watering. Keep a hose nozzle on the end of your hose.
Lawn & Garden Eco-Kit.
3.) Fix those wasteful Leaks! A drip can cause a lot of wasted water and money. You can save up to 20 gallons a day by repairing a leak in faucet, pipe or toilet. Detect leaks in your toilet, add food coloring or dye tablets to your tank.
Water measuring vial Drip Gauge.
4.) Change your shower head to a low flow shower head that is 2.0 gpm or less. Test your shower and faucet usage with a flow bag or use a bucket and test to see if it fills a one gallon bucket in 20 seconds, if it does, then you need a new shower head.
Low flow shower heads.
5.) A simple bathroom tip that can save up to 3 gallons a day. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth! Be sure to have a low flow aerator in your bathroom faucet.
Bathroom Aerators.
6.) Only Water the lawn when necessary! Do not water the lawn regularly, a healthy lawn generally needs watering of 1 inch every 10 days! Water in the early morning to minimize evaporation. Keep an eye on your watering with a rain/sprinkler gauge.
Hose Watering Timer
7.) Shorten your showers! By cutting down on time you are in the shower will increase how much water and money you save, 1 or 2 minutes can save up to 5 gallons a day. Use a shower timer to beat the clock and save!
Original “Shorter Shower” sand Timer.
8.) Recycle water! Use a water catching bucket in the tub or Flower while waiting for the shower to warm up. Use warm up water from shower to mop floors, wash clothing, in your pets dish, flush toilets or water plants in and around the home.
Cold water catcher.
Shower Flower
9.) Do Not Water your driveway or house. Use a broom to sweep your driveway instead of a hose. Be sure your sprinkler is adjusted to water your lawn not your driveway or home. Have your sprinkler on a timer to save even more water.
Hose Repair Eco-Kit
10.) Wash your car with a bucket and sponge, use a hose with a self-closing shut off nozzle. Be sure to recycle the water from your car washing. Even wash car on lawn!
9 position self closing garden hose nozzle