Now is the time to get started on a conservation plan to improve water quality.It is a known fact that 70% of the earth’s surface is made up of water. But did you know that only 1% is in the drinkable form of fresh water?Conservation buffers are a simple way for farmers and land owners to protect water quality while maintaining profitability. Buffers are narrow strips of land planted to permanent vegetation such as native grasses, shrubs and or trees. Some common sense buffer practices include: grass filter strips, riparian forest buffers, contour buffer strips, grassed waterways, and wetland restoration projects.It is through the Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP) that one can receive economic returns for those marginal areas of croplands that border waterways. Recently CCRP programs have become producer friendly and cost effective. Some programs offer up to 90% or more cost share for the installation, a one-time sign up bonus ranging from $100-150 per acre at the start of the contract, and annual rental payments averaging $30-60 per acre depending on soil type. These programs were designed to keep your topsoil in the field, filter contaminants from surface water and to improve wildlife habitat while maintaining agriculture.So the bottom line is don’t hesitate. With grass planting season just around the corner, now is the time to start planning your buffers.